One Important Thing You Do Daily Can Effect Health & Longevity

Although our body is a complex set of mechanisms, the basics still apply

Ange Dim


Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Living a long and healthy life is far more complex than we realise.

One single action is not going to affect the result. There are many more factors playing an important part.

Researchers have spent a long time determining the single nutrient value and how that can determine health outcomes.

But that unidimensional approach to understanding diet’s effects on health and ageing doesn’t give us the full picture.

A healthy diet should be based on assimilating nutrients — not just one at a time.

Until now, we didn’t grasp a deeper understanding of what variation of dietary patterns in humans affects the ageing process.

Finally, we have a study to understand this issue more deeply.

A one-size approach to nutrition and ageing doesn’t lead a long and healthy life.

For example, it’s a requirement for older individuals to increase their protein intake…



Ange Dim

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: