One of the Most Famous Quotes Is Wrongly Attributed To Einstein

But why do we want to know who said it

Dew Langrial


Image by Barbara A Lane from Pixabay

Oh, the satisfaction that rains on your soul when you read a life-changing quote. It is most comforting if Einstein said it. It’s like a bite of that triple chocolate mousse cake.

You sit there — having just learned the words of wisdom from the most intelligent man who ever lived — relishing the moment, living in bliss.

For a moment, you are ready to follow this wisdom for life.

How many times did you tell your partner to quit his or her stupid habits, but they never listen, or do they? You decide never to worry about their bad habits again. It only brings you pain.

And then you read the famous quote by Einstein:

‘‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

Who else could have said it? Such wisdom, you think. What if you wrote three novels and spent lots of time writing. Why write the fourth book, when Einstein has already said it? Right?


According to “The Ultimate Quotable Einstein,” edited by Alice Calaprice, published by Princeton University Press, the quote…



Dew Langrial

Living life in awe of it all. Hoping to make sense. A Thinker, Writer & Storyteller. Working on my tech startup. Visit me at: