One simple step to making anything possible

Anything is possible. No really, it is.

Jonathan Fors
2 min readApr 21, 2022


Photo by Redd on Unsplash

Here’s a phrase I will assume you’ve heard a variation of at least once before; “anything is possible! It’s all in your head”. Cliché, right?

Usually, the natural reaction is “sure, whatever dude…”. And rightfully so, motivational and inspirational speakers are in no short supply. Their message is thriving on most social platforms. However, even a true message will get oversaturated at some point.

But hear me out though — anything is possible. I promise.

It just happens to be a bit more complicated than it's made out to be.

Saying anything is possible vs. believing anything is possible

There’s this big idea that if you just say that something is possible enough times (“I do believe I can fly… I do believe I can fly…”) that it will come true. However, as fun as it may sound, that’s just not the reality.

The reality is that it might be the first step, but not the only step.

There’s a big difference between saying that something is true, and actually believing it.

And the difference is — a person who believes their own words act accordingly.

Every one of us walking this Earth acts within the confines of our own made-up reality crafted from our beliefs. Good and bad. So in order to make the impossible possible you have to truly believe it deep within your soul.

But… the problem is: how do you change a belief?

From an idea to a belief

Beliefs are a tricky thing. You see, if I believe the sky to be blue, no one is gonna be able to easily convince me otherwise. It’s hardwired inside of me.

The. Sky. Is. Blue. Period.

So naturally, changing a belief is not an easy task. However, it is possible. Not easy, but possible.

The one simple step to make anything possible is… to pretend like you believe it is. Even if you know deep in your soul that whatever you want to do is just not possible, you still must try.

Fake it ‘till you make it” and all that.

Fool the brain into a “false” reality for long enough, and it’ll eventually believe it.



Jonathan Fors

Life is unexpectedly fun, and sometimes goes to shit but that’s the best part. So just enjoy it.