One Small Stroke of Paint Can Make a Painting Complete!

Composition and Design concern all artists, but strokes of paint are what we love.

Marsha Hamby Savage


The beginning of a pastel painting on the easel — photo courtesy of the author and artist, Marsha Hamby Savage.

I have written a lot about how an artist works and what works to help us create.

I don’t know who on this Medium platform is interested in my writing about the process of doing a painting. But, I am going to try one for an experiment!

Here is a little bit about painting.

I work in oil, acrylic, or pastel as my medium. If you don’t know it, we call the type of paint we use the “medium!” That word has several other meanings in our work. So don’t get confused, okay?

For instance, if you work in oil, there is a “medium” that can facilitate the use of the oil paint in different ways. One of those speeds up the drying time, and another extends it. There are other different types of bottles of medium to use for various help in painting. You will need to read the different bottles or online help for those.

Paintings can be representational, impressionistic, expressionistic, or abstract … and called traditional or contemporary. There are other “titles,” but the above are the most known. There may be a different name for the type of art you like or that you create. I try not…



Marsha Hamby Savage

I am an Artist! Being an artist feels like I have a connection to nature. I am also writing a book about being an artist! My website: