One step at a time

Soham Ganguly
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2023

Life sometimes can really really suck. Like a lot. No kidding about that.

An illustration by me for an animation

Well for the last few months the tyre of the car called my ‘life’ was stuck in this rut and god it has been so much more annoying than bad. Sadness, sadness, and sadness, I mean god give me a break! (I usually don’t write in this freeway but guess we all explore things once in a while) Most importantly I’ve been thinking about taking myself out of this rut after hundreds of unsuccessful attempts of getting myself out of bed in the early morning to ‘fix’ this condition, but guess what- I haven’t been able to do it.

But here’s what I have genuinely realised. Everyone goes through this shit. Everyone — literally fucking everyone does. I have spoken to so many people who looked like they are living their best life burst into tears and bawling their eyes out about how everything is going haywire. Maybe ‘life sucking’ is something which the whole world can agree on and achieve a long-lasting peace.

Gravity is pulling us down all the time, so the moment you slip, you’re bound to fall and there’s honestly no shame in it. The problem begins when we lose hope of getting up again. That’s the real shit — that feeling that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. That feeling that nothing will work out. Oh god, that’s the absolute worst! Like the feeling that you just won’t make it and the feeling that it will swallow you up completely.

I cannot make promises but I can assure you that it will be over one day or the other, when, how, where, and why? (sorry added the last two just for fun) these variables will be different but just hold on. You will make it, and you will make a lemon tart out of the bitter lemon that life has thrown at you.

I am somewhere in that space where I’ve started to make my way out of the tunnel, I’ve started to feel that someday this will be a funny time to remember, to tell over a cup of coffee, and guess what,

I will fucking make it,

and when I do tell my tale,

you guys are up for tea. ( because I don’t like coffee so much and tea sounds better for the ending, okay stop reading my thoughts-bye)

