One Thing You Must Never Do With Your New Partner

I know to my own cost

Liam Ireland


Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

So your wondering what that one thing you must never do actually is, huh?Well let me tell you, if you ever make the same mistake that I did with my second ex-wife, you are setting yourself up for failure in that exciting new relationship from the word go.

Of course, one of the things most, if not all, women are keen to know about is your past history, especially with regards to your previous relationship. You see, what they want to know about is if there is any sign of anything that could be a problem for them in the future, something that could sneak up behind them and bite them on their posterior when they are least expecting it. And that is perfectly understandable. In fact, it’s not only a given for women, it should be for men too.

Now if you are anything like me, completely open and honest, because you have nothing to hide, then it is more than possible that you will spill about all the shitty stuff you went through, about when and how you found out that your ex-wife was having an affair. You may also tell the new love of your life how your ex-partner badly treated you, how he or she gaslighted you, etc and the devastating effect it had on you. It is perfectly normal to think that you have found a sympathetic ear. And indeed you might have, but that is not set in stone.



Liam Ireland

Author, writer, Illumination Editor, Top Writer in short stories and poetry.