Drop the Baton, But Don’t Drop the Trust

The uplifting lesson track & field taught me about trusting the process 🤝.



The gun goes off.

My teammate blasts off the blocks, sprinting down the first curve of the track towards the 2nd leg to pass off the baton to my other teammate.

After a smooth exchange of the baton, our team’s 2nd leg came flying down the backstretch of the track like Usain Bolt, giving us a convincing lead for our 3rd leg to maintain.

My time under the spotlight was coming up. I was the 4th leg a.k.a “the anchor” — the runner who is supposed to keep the lead or chase down our opponents.

As our 3rd leg received the baton, my teammate came running down the second curve with a full head of steam. He was MOVING. Nearing closer, it was my cue to take off so that we could pull off a successful baton exchange and finish the race.

All I had to do is grab the baton, and hammer down these last 100 meters. Piece of cake…but that never happened

As I stuck out my hand for the baton, I began to panic. We only had 20ish meters in the passing zone to exchange the baton, and half-way through it still wasn’t in my hand.




2023 update: damn all of my stuff here is cringe