Only This Exercise BOOSTS Testosterone 50% by Andrew Huberman

How heavy weight training can raise testosterone by neuroscientist?

Muhammad Anas
4 min readMay 13, 2024


Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Have you ever felt like you were constantly battling an uphill climb to reach your peak physical potential?

You work hard and follow a strict diet but do not observe the desired progression. This is because, nowadays, most people have testosterone levels below average.

But I can tell you a special form of exercises that increase testosterone levels by 50%.

Raising testosterone levels is a goal that aligns with everyone’s lifestyle.

Yet, the question is “how to get this done” in the best possible way.


Men recognize testosterone as one of the most powerful hormones. It determines everything from muscle composition and power to desire, motivation, and emotion.

As we progress through modern life, our bodies make a counter-announcement to the inherent laws of our physiology.

Stress, bad dietary habits, irregular sleep patterns and sedentary lifestyles could be beneficial to hormonal balance, damaging one’s energy and causing a loss of motivation without natural energy.

Is testosterone bad for men’s bodies?

Testosterone hormones influence your body like your internal fire. Not only does testosterone supply the fuel required for bodybuilding, but it also supports the health of bones and influences mood and desire.

So, we should do everything to maintain our testosterone levels, as this can improve our health and well-being.

For years, the fitness community has adopted the notion that “go hard or else go home” is the only way to increase testosterone levels.

But is this not the absolute solution?

Andrew Huberman, PhD, a neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University's School of Medicine, clarifies the science behind testosterone production and exercise in the most surprising and easily understandable manner.

Heavy Weight Training:

Weight training, where you lift weights in a rep range of 1 to 7 repetitions per set. This puts to weights that challenge you, but you can still maintain a suitable form throughout the entire set.

Heavy weight training, notably within a specific repetition range, triggers a remarkable surge in testosterone levels.

Neuroscience Behind it?

How does this type of weight training activate your nervous system?

When you move heavy loads, you engage high-threshold motor units in your muscles, which sends a special signal to your body.

This signal stimulates testosterone production by increasing its release directly or enhancing the sensitivity of testosterone receptors in your body.

Research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that heavy resistance training led to a notable increase in testosterone levels, with the greatest effects observed when sets performed in the 5–10 repetition range.

Huberman Optimal Protocol:

But wait, there’s more. Dr. Huberman also denotes how to structure your workout for optimal testosterone miracles.

Prioritize weight training first.

If you are scheduling a session that combines weightlifting and cardio, work on the weight training first.

Endurance activities, mainly those exceeding 75 minutes, can decrease testosterone production during weight training.

Long-endurance exercise increases cortisol levels, a stress hormone that can neutralize testosterone effects.

Endurance exercise can be a tool for cardiovascular health and overall fitness.

Welcome high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

If you don’t have access to a gym or equipment?

Don’t worry. Bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and rows can produce incredible results.

When exercising at the gym, the key is to focus on doing 5 to 8 repetitions with the heavyweight but maintain a proper form throughout the exercise.

Listen to your body.

Don’t succumb to the numbers.

It is crucial to find the weight and rep range that challenges you but allows you to maintain proper form throughout the exercise.

Only put on a moderate weight that you can control. Keep with that weight that your body controls to 5 to 8 reps.

  • Benefits of this Protocol: By including this type of weight training in your routine, you can unlock a wealth of benefits—increased muscle mass, enhanced fat burning, and a surge in testosterone, all of which contribute to a healthier, stronger you.
  • Factors that affect our testosterone. Adequate sleep, stress management, and a balanced diet rich in nutrients like zinc, vitamin D, and healthy fats can all lead to maintaining a healthy testosterone balance.

Final thoughts

Ready to push your limits?

Grab some weights, challenge yourself with heavy but controlled repetitions, and prepare for the testosterone-boosting power of this unique training approach.

Remember, consistency is key. Stick with this routine and watch your fitness goals transform!

Want to go more in-depth?

Check out Dr. Andrew Huberman’s podcast episode, where he dives into the science of testosterone and exercise.

About me:

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Muhammad Anas

I Love to write about Entrepreneurship, Data Analysis. Simplifying learning & job journeys. Let's Grow together.