Opening the heart chakra is an act of receiving, not unblocking

The subtle distinction that can transform your meditation practice

Agnes Davis


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

If you’re sensitive to your energetic system, you’ll know how it feels to have what’s commonly known as a blocked chakra. For me, the heart is the first chakra to go down when I’m not looking after myself and the one I feel most disempowered by.

My incredible meditation teacher, Burgs — whose teachings can be found at The Art of Meditation — explains that everything we receive energetically as information lands at the heart center first.

It’s why grief sits on the chest, why our heart flutters with nerves or excitement: the heart is our dowsing rod, our antennae.

I like to think of the heart as our most intuitive ally, protecting us in the way that a wonderful pet dog protects its owner: wagging and welcoming to friends and those with positive intentions towards us, but the hackles go up the instant anything that might be dangerous steps near.

Photo by Wade Austin Ellis on Unsplash

How does the heart chakra become blocked?



Agnes Davis

Freelance writer, creative strategist & web designer | Notes on writing, film, culture, soul, authentic marketing & more