Opposing the Herd Mentality

Creating a Path for yourself

Raphael Madu - Fitness and Lifestyle Coach
4 min readApr 21, 2024


Photo by Rishabh Dharmani on Unsplash

What’s the Herd Mentality?

This is the natural inclination for humans to be part of a large group, often at times ignoring their own feelings for the sake of the group, and possibly adapting the behaviours and actions of the people around them.

And contrary to some Youtube videos and other articles you may have seen on the internet about how having a “Herd Mentality” is a bad thing, It makes sense why people operate in a herd-like mindset.

Stay with me now.

For a long period of time in human history, a cruel form of punishment was banishment from the tribe/ group, or solitude confinement for long periods of time(which is still used in many reform centres).

We humans, are social creatures . We crave a sense of belonging and acceptance, and overall, a general sense of community and being part of something greater than ourselves.

And at surface level, wanting to belong to a group is not a bad thing, It ultimately boils down to what group do you want to belong to? And what ideas or ideologies do you want to adopt?

Adopting a groups idea/ ideology would require you to change your already existing thought process, which will influence your outlook and perspective on the world, which will ultimately influence your behaviours and actions.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”

Here are some powerful ideologies you should look out for when deciding to be a part of the group that will only help to uplift you:

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The Marathon Mindset

Photo by Pietro Rampazzo on Unsplash

This ideology is all about adopting patience in the pursuit of your goals. A marathon runner runs for longer periods of time, a seemingly endless amount of time, but they don’t stop until they’ve crossed the finish line . In that same manner, we should pursue our goals with the same amount of patience and endurance with the understanding that great things, such as running a marathon, takes time to accomplish. Whether it comes to running a marathon, running a business, or accomplishing your fitness goals, its not about what happens in the short term, but instead about the big picture.

It’s about achieving a lifestyle most people can’t live, and achieving a lifestyle most people can’t live, requires a lifetime. ‘

Life Doesn’t Happen TO you, Life Happens FOR you.

You need to think about the events that occur in your life as something that happens FOR you and not TO you.

What’s the difference you may ask?

Thinking of events as things that occur for you in your life, puts you in a unique position where you can see the actual thing that occurred as some form of life lesson that’ll make you grow into a better person.

Not seeing progress in the gym? Maybe you need to rest more, or you need to change up your diet or your workout routine. Not generating enough in your business? Maybe you’re not reaching out more, or your content isn’t resonating with your target audience. Seeing events as lessons turn you into a problem solver instead of being a victim of circumstance.

You Can Never Fail if You NEVER Quit

This is easily my favourite mindset/ ideology of all time.

You can never fail, if you never quit….

Very Powerful set of words when you think about it.

This ideology works in conjuction with the marathon mindset. Having the patience to see things through, and having the resilience and endurance to keep trying every single day, makes for a combo that makes you unstoppable. The ability to persevere through the hard times will ultimately make you successful.

Adopting these mindsets has has a significant change in my life, and I hope they bring you the same fulfillment as they brought me.

If you’re struggling to get your diet on track, I got you covered. I have prepared an easily editable 5-day meal plan that includes the ingredient list, price per serving, macronutrient breakdown per serving, and how to prepare the meals. I’ll link it below if you’re interested in checking it out.



Raphael Madu - Fitness and Lifestyle Coach

Fitness and Health Coach sharing knowledge and personal experiences in health and wellness.