Oreo’s Secret

How Oreo deceived a nation of cookie-eating Brits.

Luke Oseland


Photo by SHAYAN IZADI ☄️ on Unsplash

$172 million dollars were made, in one year, from selling a population a healthy alternative to Oreo cookies.

Over the next couple of minutes, I’m going to explain why the perception of health sells better than actual healthy products.

A Suggested Serving

I recently asked a few friends how many Oreos they would eat in one sitting (I cap it at 2, maybe 3 if it’s my birthday).

Nearly all of them said:

“Half to a full pack”

I was amazed, I didn't realize my friends hounded through Oreos like chips. I guess I’m the weird one…

Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash


In 2015, Oreo launched its diet alternative ‘Oreo Thins’.

5 years ago, I would’ve been 13 and rather chubby. I got my hands on a pack of Oreo thins after school.

Did I have 2 Oreos like I normally would? Did I f*ck…

The fact that they were diet made me think it was okay to gobble 6 in the same amount of time it took me to walk out of the car park of…

