Organizing your Life by building a Second Brain

The Optimal way to be productive

5 min readJan 24, 2023


Most people have a hard time organizing the information they gain in their day-to-day life. Today, I will tell you how to build a second brain to help you organize your life. The idea of employing technology and outside resources to complement and improve one’s own cognitive talents is referred to as having a “second brain.”

Source: forte labs

Over the entire day, we gather a lot of important information from all the content we consume. If someone listens to something helpful in a podcast, a quote, or if you have an interesting thought they don’t tend to write it down. This is why we tend to forget important things most of the time and are not able to apply them to our lives. I was recently reading Tiago Forte’s ‘Building a Second Brain’, And here are a few things I learned from it.

Why should you Build a Second Brain?

source: pikisuperstar on Freepik

There are a lot of things you can improve by building a second brain, you can build a more productive and optimal life by building a second brain.

Improved memory and recall: You can enhance your capacity to access and retrieve information as well as create connections between various bits of information by using tools to capture and arrange information in a manner that resembles how the brain functions. Your personal and professional lives can both benefit from your increased productivity and efficiency.

Better creativity: You may free up your mind to concentrate on more imaginative and strategic duties, like brainstorming new ideas, solving issues, and creating new connections, by having a system in place to collect and organize information. Additionally, it can aid in your increased self-awareness of your own ideas, information, and beliefs. You can better understand your own strengths, shortcomings, and opportunities for progress by collecting and organizing information about yourself and your experiences.

Increasing Productivity: You can relieve your brain of some of the cognitive strain of remembering things by employing external technologies to store and organize knowledge. By doing so, you may be able to retain information more easily and lower your likelihood of forgetting crucial details. By offering a framework for classifying and ranking jobs and ideas, a second brain can aid in boosting productivity. This can assist one in maintaining attention and preventing them from getting mired in unnecessary details.

How to build a second Brain — The CODE Framework

The code framework is a method of building a second brain to make your life more productive. The methodology of building a second brain requires 4 steps namely capture, organize, distill and express.

Capture: The first step is to capture information in a structured way. This can be done by using tools such as note-taking apps, text editors, or a physical notebook. The key is to create a system for capturing information that is easy to use and consistent. It could be anything you find interesting or worth remembering, something from a podcast, a book, or a website. Making highlights from books and articles is very important and saving them in your second brain can help you remember them in the long run.

Doing this helps you free up your brain and concentrate on more important things that your second brain can’t do like imagination and coming up with creative Ideas. It’s like when a calculator is helpful to the mathematician and accompanies him in the tedious task of calculating, so he can truly focus on the creative part of coming up with proofs for a theorem.

Organize: Once the information has been captured, the next step is to organize it in a way that makes it easy to access and understand. This can be done by creating folders, labels, or tags to categorize information. The best way to organize information is through actionability. Ask yourself, where will I be using this information? and then organize it accordingly in the same place with things that are related to the subject.

It’s important to create a system that is intuitive and easy to use so that it’s easy to find information later.

Distill: The next step is to distill the information by condensing it into the most important points. This can be done by summarizing or highlighting key concepts or ideas. It’s very important to understand and summarize the entirety of the information gathered in a line or two. Doing this can help you save a lot of time so that you don’t have to re-read every single thing again and again.

Express: The purpose of knowledge is to be expressed. To understand something properly you have to put it in your own words and express it in your own way. Doing this will help you deepen your understanding and one of the best ways to understand a concept is by helping someone else understand it. As Albert Einstein once said — If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”


Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash

Building a second brain has personally helped me become really fast and efficient at what I do. Whenever I get an Idea about an article, I write it down in my notebook rather than remembering it. It has also helped me improve my writing style and creativity as I don’t need to focus on scripting and planning the article as much as I had to before. And it can certainly help anyone because almost every job today is an expression of knowledge in some or the other way. Building a second brain will also help you maintain the balance between productivity and creativity and help you achieve the best results.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article ✌✌

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I like to write about philosophy and self-improvement