How the Sun Was Born in Space?

The Origin of our Universe is the origin of everything like Galaxies, Moons, Stars and Planets.



Photo by NASA on Unsplash

The Sun is also a star in the Milky Way Galaxy. The s=Sun is an ordinary star, one of about 100 billion in our galaxy, the Milky Way. The Sun has extremely important influences on our planet, driving weather, ocean currents, seasons, and climate, and making plant life possible through photosynthesis. Without the Sun’s heat and light, life on Earth would not exist.Sun’s Origins:

Suns Origins

While billions of stars are scattered throughout the Universe the one at the center of our solar system plays a special role for us here on Earth.

This picture captured by NASA at Goddard Space Flight Center.

Our sun formed about 4.5 billions years ago in the Milky way Galaxy of “Orion’s Spur”.




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