Our Attention is Spotlight in the Dark

Kotishree Kotismita
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2023
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Our life is shaped by what we pay attention to at the moment. Think about it: our memories and knowledge are all based on what we focus on at a particular time.

Can you remember something you didn’t pay any attention to? Probably not, because remembering something means it had your attention at some point.

You might have heard the idea that “you become what you focus on.” This means our attention is precious, but many of us don’t realise it. We often waste it like it’s an unlimited resource.

Some people understand the value of attention and use it to their advantage, like magicians diverting your focus or big companies spending lots of money for a few seconds of your attention in ads.

If you want to take control of your life and make lasting changes, start by directing your attention more intentionally. It’s not easy at first, especially if you’re used to your attention being pulled in different directions by whatever’s happening.

In this pursuit, there are two main things to do:

  1. Broaden your awareness.
  2. Gain better control over your attention.

So, how does this apply to your daily life?

Life happens moment by moment. You never experience anything outside the present. All your cherished memories were once present moments. Any future you dream of will only happen in a future present.

To use your attention and awareness fully, direct them intentionally to the present moment. While planning for the future and looking back at the past are useful, focusing on them too much can be a hindrance. Most of your time and energy should be on what’s happening right now.

Life as you experience it is in the present. To improve your life, focus on each moment and give it the attention it deserves. Make each moment better, and your life will improve because your attention is the key to this.

Life, as we experience it, is solely in the present moment. Therefore, it makes sense that if you want to enhance your life, you should turn your attention to the source. Give each moment the attention it deserves as much as possible.

Elevate the quality of each moment, and you’ll naturally elevate the quality of your life — attention is the vehicle for achieving the goal.

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