Our Corner Table Of Love

That place we call Our space

Divya Goswami
3 min readSep 30, 2022


Our Corner Table. Picture by the author.

A love space
Our little mottle
Tucked somewhere in the corner

Over the regular chaotic chatter
Footsteps of familiarity guide me
Towards a halo, blanking the rest

I come here wishing to be alive to the us in me
I sit in our spot waiting for a tornado of memories to take over
I breathe you in and let all of me vanish

How did we mark this corner table with our fragrance?
Is it because we thought no one noticed us here, hiding?
Or the fact that we could scan it in a jiffy, sneaking glances?

Pulled by a calling,
We walked without hesitation towards this corner
And now for all those who make it their corner as well, feel a bit of us

Bright from the sunlight in the day
Dimly lit romanticism by the night
It has seen us in our tatters and finery

I sit here in this moment, alone
With the sacred garland of us, chanting
Swinging between the then and now of our journey

Drowning the day in the liquid flavors
Letting the pain fade with each morsel
Losing the sense of the everyday war in the menu

Come, sit by me, I ask my invisible other
Hold the coffee, key or conversation
As long as you come wrapped in the fragrance of love

With castles to build for our life to unfold
Concern for the turns, climbs, breakers that we see ahead
But forever holding a perspective soaked in togetherness

Our laughter like the drowning musical notes
Our struggles constant like the burning flames
Our good and bad like the flow of new and old visitors

We sit on the edge of this conversation
Hands clasped, eyes locked, heartbeats in sync
Tracing the outlines of who we wish to be

Times entangle in our freedom of ideas
Tears drench our imagination
The light wraps itself around us in a time capsule

Whispers of silence on the edge of corner table
Balance itself watching us in awe
Through the nimbus of a calm smile

The nails clink a rhythm atop the cold marble
The feet begin a dance of contemplation hidden under
The touch creates a fire of our ignited minds

The sparks like the fireflies
The colours like the rainbow
The echoes like the valleys


Fingers entwined
Bodies aware
Hearts full

And then it is just me
On our corner table
With you in my being


The capacity of our hearts bigger than our beings
The depth of our emotions capable of swallowing galaxies
The power of us building the storms moving the mountains

At another table
In some other moment
During a precious unfolding

There are versions of you and me
Aching, longing, broken, seeking
Till we choose to be at our corner table of being more than ourselves

The author is an Indian Classical Dancer, Performer, Educator, Storyteller, Writer and TEDx Speaker. For more works from her, do follow on Instagram and Facebook.



Divya Goswami

Kathak Exponent & Educator. Artistic Director & Owner of Divyakala. Writer & Storyteller about Indian Heritage, Arts & Life. TEDx Speaker. National Awardee.