
Justin Adams
Published in
2 min read3 hours ago
Photo by Resat Kulelil from Unsplash

Door is unlocked, opened

Sound pours in

At the speed of light or faster? Who the fuck cares, that doesn’t


Oh shit! Noooooo!

Unfamiliar voices

There’s the sign

Crawl in your corner

Get your lip balm

Clutch your devices

Grease those elbows

and return to home base

in your room

Trash is cleared; there’s nothing left to recycle for now

Knock your head against the wall accidentally

Shadowes shift, light wavers

You’re boxed in

with walls as thin as glass

Out there, in the furnished but overpriced living room

Jokes being shared

Egos being teased

Pleasantries enjoyed like every day is a holiday

Goddamnit! Why did you leave your water on the kitchen counter?

Thank God, this isn’t a family reunion

It’s just an ordinary day, emphasis on day

In this corner of the house

The Wi-fi signal is DOA

The temperature outside is pushing new boundaries

People fuelled by social media ecstasy are lining up to take a photo

But right here, inside, on your bed, the throne with linen sheets and a

lack of luster

You’re struggling for air

Struggling to survive

Taking your shirt off and flailing it against your self

Waving the white flag because you know the enemy is within

Intrusive thoughts rob you of your innocence

and leave you drained of energy

You have an autoimmune disorder that haven’t been diagnosed

Large gatherings reveal who you really are

With minimal info gathered

There’s no need to wet the bed or get lost in the Matrix,

scrolling your phone

The silence is deafening

Your refusal to participate is a handshake and a hello

Into the ether



Justin Adams

Writer/Storyteller at Heart. Inquirer of Knowledge. I write on a variety of topics.