Over 100 People Have Followed Me

Does this mean I’ve succeeded?

Shental Rohan
3 min readAug 5, 2020


Photo by Floris Andréa on Unsplash

After over a month of not being active on Medium, I am happy to say that I’m back! In this period of time, I was so proud to realise that I had finally passed that 100 follower milestone. Following 1 month of writing on Medium (excluding my month of absence), 100 people have consciously and actively decided to support and follow me in my writing journey which I had to come to assume was nothing more than a hobby to fill the endless of hours spent at home during the lockdown.

Don’t worry, I know self-worth and the quality of a piece of writing are not judged by figures and statistics, but I can’t help but feel immense gratitude and wonder. 100 is one of those numbers that can be big and small. To me, 100 is more than just a number. It represents hope. And it represents the possibility of expanding my writing hobby. At this moment, I am not earning anything for my writing and have not signed up with the Medium Partner program as I am fortunate enough to be part of a family where my parents are able to support my sisters and I financially. But what if my simple writing filled with my crazy thoughts can turn into something like a career?

If 100 people have thought my writing is worth reading then there must be more that I can do with it. It is truly bewildering to me that a small writing endeavour sharing my ideas could blossom into this, and I feel so inspired to keep on coming back for more. It is small tastes of success like these that I believe inspires us, or at least myself, to keep on striving. So, yes, I believe I have succeeded, though to many other writers this might seem like a small step or at least one not worth celebrating and writing a whole piece about. But I know that I’ve succeeded in this particular goal because of how proud and amazed I feel as I type this piece out.

Like everything else I have achieved in my life, I have got this far only because of the help from the people who believe in me and think me capable of successes I can’t even imagine. Perhaps I don’t say this often enough, but from the bottom of my heart please accept my true thanks and appreciation.

Thank you for reading my work, whoever you are, and I hope you can take joy in knowing how much joy you have passed on to me. Funny enough, I probably have a good enough vocabulary to give somewhat of an accurate description of something as immense and profound as a tsunami, but yet will never find the words to tell you how much I appreciate the minutes you spend reading my writing. It means the world.

