Over 20 Years Gone

Alternatively “The Brawny Son”

Jeff Langley


Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash

Over 20 years gone,
Nothing forsaken, nothing forgone.

Over 20 years gone,
Highland Heart’s brawny Son.

Over 20 years gone,
Street-hockey games, snow-forts, skating on frozen ponds.

Over 20 years gone,
Riding our bikes, Kell’s Pit, over-streets, boyhood fun.

Over 20 years gone,
The boys, the memories, those radio songs.

Over 20 years gone,
Backyard football, stick-ball, out there on the lawns.

Over 20 years gone,
The fun we had, I could never take a pass on.

Over 20 years gone,
The strong one, the kid, you know the boy with the brawn.

Over 20 years gone,
Boys grow up, loosening those bonds.

Over 20 years gone,
Coming of age, a natural phenomenon.

Over 20 years gone,
Today I heard the news, you couldn’t carry on.

Over 20 years gone,
Today I heard the news, I couldn’t press on.



Jeff Langley

Kind of a word-perv with many stories to share. When I figure them out, you’ll be the first know!