Overcome Victim Mentality: 7 Ways to Stop Playing the Victim

Quit blaming others for the circumstances that you created

John R. Miles


Passion struck podcast thumbnail with a woman blindfolded and mouth sewn shut, demonstrating the signs of victim mentality.
Picture Credit: John R. Miles

Life has its ups and downs for each one of us. Every day, bad things could happen to you or to others you know. However, some people insist that it was never their fault. They contend they are powerless to influence the challenging circumstances and issues they face. They simply experience it every time. As a result, they develop a victim mentality, where they feel they don’t have any control over what happens to them.

Someone who plays the victim assumes that other people or things are to blame for their misfortunes. Their spouse, relatives, coworkers, friends, or “the way the world is” might be to blame. They frequently lament the unfortunate events in their lives.

The person playing the victim refuses to accept personal responsibility and argues that they have no influence over the situation. Instead, they allow their minds to believe that life happens to them. This mentality inevitably keeps them in a vicious circle of unpleasant experiences and prevents them from taking responsibility for their lives.

Victim mentality is a real condition that significantly impacts a person’s thoughts and, ultimately, their quality of life.



John R. Miles

Award-winning author, Speaker, and Host of the #1 Passion Struck podcast. My mission is to guide you in becoming your best self. More at www.johnrmiles.com