Overcome Your Loneliness!

Priyanthini Sivasubramaniyam
Published in
6 min readAug 15, 2023

Are you feeling alone?

Did you ever feel alone even though you are surrounded by a lot of people?

If the answer is Yes, then you are now reading the correct post that is relevant to you.

Don’t worry, you are not alone to say yes for the above questions. There are a lot of people feeling the same way. Most of us might have felt this kind of feeling at least once in our lifetime. It is common in that case, but if this loneliness is not handled properly and if you continuously feel so lonely, then it is surely a problem.

Photo by Sam Moghadam Khamseh on Unsplash

Loneliness can be faced in two ways: one way is people around you might have left you alone and the other way is you went away from everyone else and approached loneliness yourself. Sometimes we prefer to be alone, that is fine but then there should be a limit for that and it should not traumatize you.

For anyone living on this planet, mental health is as important as your physical health to run a happy and successful life. Without a good mental state, people cannot achieve anything. Loneliness has its own power. It can structure your life if it is maintained in a correct amount and it can destroy not only yours but also your family’s happiness as well when it is overloaded.

So I thought of jotting down a few of my ideas on how to overcome loneliness effectively or how to be alone without feeling lonely.

Sounds weird right???

But trust me you can use any one of the ideas mentioned below to overcome your loneliness without affecting your mental health. The following ways can be applied for anyone who has either approached loneliness themselves or left alone by others.

Note: I would like to mention clearly that I am not a professional counselor or a professional mental health advisor. I am willing to share some good ideas that I followed and made use of, to help others in improving their mental health, overcoming their fears or just to motivate people.

#1 Start reading

Books are the best medicines. Rather than staring at the roof or crying all alone, spend your time in reading books. It can be a story book, novel, biography or any other book from any genre, just read. Your mind will get relaxed when you put yourself into reading. If you are a beginner, don’t be shy to start reading a small story book. At least you are going to start a good habit of reading rather than just laying on the bed and crying for the whole life.

This method will surely help you overcome your loneliness successfully.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

You are never alone when you’re reading a book — Susan Wiggs, an American writer.

#2 Invest your time in doing something you love

Other than reading, you can spend your time doing something you love. It can be writing, singing, dancing or any other activity that you are so much interested in and love to do. If you are very good at making handicrafts or handmade greeting cards, then that is one of the best ways to spend your time. Seeing those little crafts will make you so much happier than ever since it is something that came out of you. If you have come up with so many crafts and if you have confidence that they will be loved by others then you can possibly sell them and earn something as well.

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

#3 Clean your circle — Don’t worry to leave toxic people

The next main thing that you need to follow or focus on is leaving toxic people. One of the most important reasons for most of our pain will be the toxic people who are always with us wearing the mask of a friend or relation. The real friends or the relatives who really care about you will only be happy about your success and will be there with you in your hard times. But these days there are a lot of people who act in front of us in the name of a friend or a relative, and would be very happy whenever we face some hardships. They actually trigger our emotions more and more when we are down. We won’t even understand that since we are already in pain and we believe them as our close ones.

Photo by Marília Castelli on Unsplash

It is important to identify those people and leave them immediately. Even though you cannot identify them instantly, you will realize them soon once you carefully go through your past incidents. So don’t be afraid to leave those people thinking that you considered them as your real friends and family. If you want to lead a happy life and keep your circle happy, then it is always best to chase those toxic people out of your life. It is always better to have a small healthy circle of people instead of having a larger circle of toxic people around you.

#4 Spend more time with your loved ones

There are people who care for you so much throughout their lives. Allocate some more time for them. Even though you are so down and cannot talk about anything, it’s okay, just go and sit with your loved ones. The loved ones I mean here can be your parents, spouse, children, siblings, a very good friend or maybe your cutest pet too. Whoever it is, I suggest you spend some more time with them instead of wandering alone. Visit some places with them if you can. This can give you relief from most of your grievances.

Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

#5 Go for a walk

Then comes another simplest thing to overcome loneliness and sadness, that is going for a walk. You can walk alone or take your pet with you too. Breathing some fresh air can heal our body as well as our soul. Take a slow walk, enjoy everything around you and smile at the people you cross in your walkway. I am very much sure that you will feel so better when you try this method. This method can refresh your mind and make you happy.

Photo by Delphine Beausoleil on Unsplash

Other than these there are a lot of other methods like meditation, exercises and so on. I didn’t want to go through them since there are a lot of professionals to guide people with those methods. But I think the methods I have discussed above are simple and easy to follow. Actually these are not somethings that need so much effort and time to begin with. That is why I wanted to share them with you.

Embracing peace is in our hands. I know some situations make us so lonely and weak, but we should try our best to overcome those situations. Being away from people to some extent is good but being alone too much will damage your mental wellbeing as well as your beautiful life (not only your life but the lives of people who truly care about you). So try out the methods I suggested above if you are alone and try to overcome those barriers to be successful and happy.

If this post gives you some motivation and helps at least one person who reads it to overcome his/her loneliness, I would be really happy.

If you find this post useful and encouraging, give me some applause and share this post with anyone who might need to read this at the moment. I am happy to see your comments about my post too.

If you are really happy with reading my post or if this post helped you in any way and if you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee at any time.

Thank you so much for reading my post patiently and I will meet you soon with another post.

Let’s live a happy life together by supporting each other morally !!!



Priyanthini Sivasubramaniyam

Assistant Lecturer, University of Colombo School of Computing. Writing on Software Engineering and Marketing related topics. Sometimes on self improvement :-D