Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Feeling like an imposter is common because you actually are and everyone around you is an imposter.

Rafayel Hovhannisyan


A person experiencing imposter syndrome
Image created by the author using Stable Diffusion

Do I have the proper qualification to tell this story and speak about imposter syndrome? Talk about impostor syndrome? After all, this is a psychological topic and I have no relevant degree, even if I had one, it wouldn’t change the situation. Hmm, I’ve personally experienced this and continue experiencing it. I feel it, but maybe I’m wrong and my feelings are wrong, and my research is wrong. Am I even competent to write what I think?

This kind of internal dialogue usually occurs in individuals with Imposter Syndrome when they do something new or something that they are not 1000% sure about.

I can clearly remember how I felt when I first read about Imposter Syndrome in one of the dev blogs. It was like, “Wait a second, is that a well-known thing? So I’m not an imposter, I'm just in some bad mental condition, yay!!”. But am I?

I quickly delved into this topic to understand how and why it happens and if there is a way to become more stable and not feel anxious whenever something goes wrong.

What Is An Imposter Syndrome



Rafayel Hovhannisyan

Senior Software Engineer - Driving Growth @ Podcastle AI. Writing about software engineering, productivity, and personal experiences.