Why Your Gut Isn’t Healing

Katie Critelli
Published in
8 min readSep 21, 2023


The key insights that helped me finally heal my gut after a five year journey

Photo from PeopleImages-Yuri+A on Shutterstock | Used under license from Shutterstock

How It Started

Most of us take our guts for granted. As long as we can put food in our mouths and carry on with our day, we don’t give them further thought. It’s often only when the gut is in trouble that we finally pay attention.

I started paying attention to my gut when I was 24 and digestive issues crept up on me. The first warning signs were lingering bloating and fatigue after meals, followed by changes in my breath and skin, and finally stiff joints that soon turned into painful arthritis.

While it only took a few months for my gut to break down, it took me the entire second half of my twenties to fully heal my gut. In the process, I learned first-hand about food sensitivities and intolerances, gut dysbiosis, candida, chronic inflammation, and how deeply stress can impact the gut. Despite everything I learned from my own experience, I struggled to put the pieces together and fully heal until I was 29.

The most important lightbulb moment I had in my healing journey came while I was studying to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. As I studied lectures on digestion, I began to see my gut as a complex system for the first time. I realized how the parts of my gut interacted with each other, the immune…



Katie Critelli

I help people discover more pleasure, joy, and vitality in life. Find me here: https://www.find-your-spark.com/