I’m Excited to Get My Vaccination Today, but Why?

Why does getting my COVID-19 vaccination almost feel like “New Year's Eve” except I don’t enjoy New Years'?

Michael Thacker


A female doctor administering a vaccine to a young dark haired man
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

I am scheduled to get my COVID-19 vaccination today, and yes, I know that I am one of the lucky ones to be receiving it already — perks of being older and having some bothersome health issues.

Scheduling my vaccination was a bit of a pain in the**, and I am in one of the better states related to COVID policy, guidance, and how well we are doing on the public vaccination program.

Yet, despite having a job that allows me to get my vaccination a bit sooner, having a health condition that qualifies me, and being of an age that is just close enough, why do I feel like it’s “New Year’s Eve”?

Since I first heard that I would sign up to get the vaccine on March 1st, I felt myself getting a bit more excited. I wasn’t sure why at the time, perhaps just because I saw others getting excited about it on Facebook.

Then February 28th rolled around, and I made myself stay up late (for me) just so that I would see March 1st roll around and I could be one of the first to get online to register.

Yes, I figured many would not think of this or have the determination to stay…

