Papaya: Not Only a Delicious Fruit

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3 min read4 days ago
Photo by Pranjall Kumar on Unsplash

All of you know papaya as a delicious, sweet, and juicy fruit but do you know that papaya is not only a delicious fruit but it is also a powerhouse of nutrients that provide a wide benefit to our health whether be it our gut health or skin issues? papaya has all those health benefits. So, let’s dive in to know more about papaya not as a delicious fruit but as a nutritious fruit.

Papaya is a tropical fruit belonging to the family Caricaceae scientifically, it is called Carica papaya L. Papayas have been found in various parts of the world like North America, Europe, and India. And have been loved by most of the people. Let me tell you one fun fact i.e.Papaya has also been called a nutraceutical fruit because of its various nutritional and medicated properties as it contains an enzyme, alkaloids, carotenoids, minerals, glucosinolates, monoterpenoids, flavonoids, vitamins, and carbohydrates which provides various health benefits to us.

How papaya is beneficial to our health?

· Gut health: Papaya contains a papain enzyme and it also has anti-inflammatory properties which help in digestion, bloating, constipation, and GERD.

How is it helping?

Papain has a hydrolysis property which breaks down the peptide bond and helps in digestion as well as bloating along with GERD because of anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the inflammation in the esophagus (Note — Papaya for GERD prevention has not been scientifically proven but it can be taken into consideration as a lifestyle and dietary modification). As papaya also contains 5.61 gm of fiber it helps to soften and accelerate the frequency of stool in the intestine which will help to prevent constipation.

· Skin: Papaya contains a papain enzyme, vitamin A, and Vitamin C, anti-inflammatory properties, and antioxidant properties which help to make your skin bright and smooth by naturally exfoliating your skin, unclogging the skin pores; removing oil and dust followed by a reduction in redness and inflammation related with acne. Vitamin C in papaya helps in depigmentation whereas vitamin A increases cell turnover and papaya’s antioxidant properties prevent the appearance of wrinkles making your skin toned, bright, and smoother.

· Wound healing — Unripe papaya is more beneficial in wounds as raw papaya contains more amount of papain enzyme which has anti-inflammatory properties that will remove the damaged tissue from the wound and reduce the inflammation followed by increased blood flow to the wound site providing oxygen and nutrient for healing.

· In Dengue — Papaya leaves consist of quercetin; a flavonoid that potentially has anti-viral properties. As dengue leads to fever and a decrease in platelet count, papaya leaves activate the gene that will lead to increased platelet count and its anti-inflammatory properties will reduce the fever.

Papaya is a delicious, nutritious fruit but always consult a healthcare professional before using it for a medicinal purpose for serious health conditions like dengue.

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