Paradise Lost vs Grammarly

or Why AI isn’t ready to edit anything creative — A thought experiment.

Lord Dukes de Enfer



“The reason they call tv a ‘medium’ is because it’s never rare or well done”

-Mighty Mouse

Recently an editor for a Medium publication reacted to a comment I made at my frustrations with the EDIT-BOT that made notes to a piece I’d written. His comment, “Tell me one way AI has stifled your creativity?”

Challenge accepted.

AI is being abused by everyone on the planet with zero oversite. I am not an AI alarmist, I don’t think SkyNet is coming to end us all, but I am noticing some alarming trends. I’ve noticed people trying to use AI instead of either doing work themselves or in many cases, thinking.

CDNET was the first to openly use AI-generated stories and now the seal is broken, you won’t be able to find a corner of the net that is more than only partially “man-made”.

And I know it’s evolving at light speed, but AI has limits. It only tells you what you told it to say.

So, if you do something original, it won’t understand it and will ask you to redo it. Not because it’s not clever or smart language but because there are rules…



Lord Dukes de Enfer

Shit is about to get real. Or I’m just going to complain a lot. "Medium is the new Penthouse Forum" - Ben Adler