
Part II: Bravo, Support Staff, Your Neglect Deserves a Standing Ovation

Thank you ever so much for pouring gasoline on the fire by giving scammers free rein again to sell their dodgy products on your cherished platform where words no longer matter, but spam does.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz
Published in
10 min readMay 23, 2024


Photo by Harrison Haines from Pexels

Dear Readers,

For the last 12 months, I have felt like scam bait instead of an influential writer. My account is duplicated almost every day, affecting my writing performance and mental health. This is not a trivial matter, and my words are not simple/rhetorical criticism, as each time a new reader contacts me, informing me they lost money due to these sophisticated scams using my name, it bleeds my heart. As a writer, apart from my words, I have no power. My goal is to educate and motivate action to solve this problem from multiple angles.

I resemble this to growing cancer cells. We cannot wait any longer. Medium, as an equitable organization, should understand the criticality of this issue and invest in an urgent solution. While they are doing it, we need to be vigilant as writers and readers to prevent harm. This issue cannot be overcommunicated.



Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Scientist, Technologist, Inventor, focusing on HEALTH and JOY. Founder of ILLUMINATION, curating key messages for society. Connection: