Parting Ways, Again

Wandering to another city

Satrio Jagad
2 min readNov 16, 2022


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

I got a new job, finally.

Recently, a local creative agency based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, hired me as their digital marketing specialist; also a single fighter for now. I have dreamed of at least living in Yogyakarta, and now I am living my dream. Moreover, working in a new role that I have just finished its course? Lucky enough.

Two Sides of a Coin

Photo by ZSun Fu on Unsplash

Mixed feelings, I have. Both happy and sad.

I am happy because I will have a new job, connections, and atmosphere, currently working as a digital marketing specialist in a creative agency. Taking a course boosted me to get this job just two weeks after graduation. Besides, I have a goal to pursue for the next three years in this field. The agency only has me to fill the role, so yeah. I hope to get experiences and chances to improve my skill.

Sad, because I have to part with my family and friends again. I had been away from them for the past two years, and now I have to feel that similar emotion. Used to help in the house, especially for my nieces and nephews, for their school needs. Now they have to take care of their own to grow little by little. Friends who helped through good and bad times, I thank you all.

Keep Walking

Photo by Agto Nugroho on Unsplash

The good side and bad side of anything, we cannot separate them both. We live with them. Whatever the choice we made.

However, life continues.

Let’s get back to work, shall we?

Let’s connect and collaborate on my LinkedIn profile.
If you like this story, you can tip me for a coffee.



Satrio Jagad

Name's Gad. Currently writing articles about life lessons, self-care, and poem in Medium for Illumination publisher.