Passive Income: How Much I Earned in My Third Month On Medium

Is this passive income? In May, I stopped publishing on Medium for a while — this is how much I earned.

Mira Lucas


Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

The golden rule for writing on Medium?

Consistency is key.

That’s what everyone is saying. That’s what the successful writers are attributing their success to. And that’s what I’ve been trying to do as well.

But it’s not always possible to be consistent. Sometimes life gets in the way.

My third month on Medium

This is my third month on Medium, and I have published less than my first two months. A lot less.

That’s not because I don’t like it here, of course. I just had some other writing assignments that took up a lot of energy. Instead of writing stories on Medium, I decided to take it easy and simply read stories written by other writers (even though I enjoy writing a lot, I might enjoy reading even more).

This means that I didn’t publish any stories in over two weeks. Before that, I tried publishing 2–3 times each week.

So this was quite an abrupt change.



Mira Lucas

Freelance journalist. I like cats, coffee, and equality. Editor at WAVE 4. Join Medium: