Patience Is The Way

Pias Das
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2023
Photo by Duane Mendes on Unsplash

When there is an achievement, we are happy, we are excited. Which helps us grab all the new opportunities and challenges thrown at us. We have everyone to support us and guide us.

On the journey towards SUCCESS, achievement, and happiness are not only the part, there is also a failure, sorrow, disagreement, disappointment, and discomfort. But the fact is that when we are enjoying the achievement and bliss. Everything is okay with us. But when the journey starts throwing problems and challenges. We have no idea how to handle it. Because we have always prepared for success and never ever imagined failure. Here I don’t mean you to be destined for failure, but obviously, be aware of all possible consequences, and failure is also one.

But few situations are there where we can’t do anything. Likely take the example of the present situation, “How the world had been affected by COVID-19” Everyone is helpless. Even though each one of us is trying our best, but it doesn’t make any difference at all. Still, we are struggling, Number of people are dying in a day. Which we have never faced before, not even imagined that “one day we could be in such situation”. The only way to tackle this problem is “PATIENCE”. Patience doesn’t mean keep crying by sitting at the corner. It means keep trying to solve the problem from your best. But at the same time don’t STOP by one failure, keep correcting, keep trying.

Keep patience, it is the only way when we are helpless. Don’t worry this winter will also go and spring is about to come. But it only happens when you don’t quit.



Pias Das

I am an engineer I and like to talk about cutting edge technologies, science, productivity and lifestyle