Peaking Into The Mind Of An Addict

How mindfulness and spirituality helped me cut ties with addiction

Jazz Parks


Kychan Unsplash

I’ve been addicted to something or another basically my whole life—cigarettes, pot, coffee, painkillers, uppers, downers — you name it.

I’m not sure how it all started or why I haven’t cut ties with my addictions long ago.

Maybe it was because of the 'high,’ the literal euphoria that comes with 'lighting one up.’

Maybe it’s because it’s an escape, a way to flee from life’s daily stresses and mishaps.

Regardless of why, once I learned of the impact that addiction had on my life, I decided that it was time to cut ties.

Not only were my addictions damaging my health, but my relationships, my finances, my psyche, and so much more were affected by my jumble of addictions.

  • One month, I spent over $1,000 on Xanax.
  • One year, I spent (approximately) $12,000 on pot and cigarettes. That’s a big FU to both my lungs and my bank account.
  • Fortunately, no DUI’s, but I spent almost eight years in the court system due to multiple possession cases.

The thing is, I didn’t notice how bad it had got until I took a step back and looked at my life, not through my normal…



Jazz Parks

I believe that life is about finding joy through passion, purpose, and being compassionate towards others.