People Fail To Achieve Their Goals Because They Ask The Wrong Question

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Prince Verma


Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

We all have goals we want to accomplish but only a few people achieve their goals. Do you know why?

Because they ask the right questions

Often, people write their goals as:

“I want to become a millionaire by the age of 30”

“I want to become a blogger”

Then they ask:

“How do I achieve my goals?”

That’s not the first question you should ask. That’s why most people quit too early because they have not asked the right question yet.

Before you start your goals, your first question should always be:

“Does this excite me?”

Because if your goals don’t excite you, it does not matter how disciplined you are, you are likely to give up at some point.

People miss this point all the time:

Achieving goals is not as important as the journey itself”

If you don’t enjoy your journey, achieving goals is futile. First of all, if you are not enjoying the process, you will give up at some point.

