People Helping People

Dads’ Survival Guide: Providing — Our Finances

Dave Smith


Darryl Strawberry (picture by author)

Homelessness is a pernicious problem.

Enormous investments in housing and social services have failed to tame the issue. In fact, homelessness is more rampant now than ever. All across the country.

Mental illnesses. Substance abuse. Addiction. Poverty. Hopelessness. Individuals trapped in a vicious cycle. Unable to escape. On their own. Or even, with assistance from others.

For most of us Dads, homelessness is a distant issue. Outside our circle. And day-to-day.

Sure, we cross paths with the downtrodden. In the subway. At a street corner or stop light. Folks hauling their belongings in a metal cart. A cardboard placard proclaiming their appeal. Extending a hand in hopes of extra change.

These interactions are awkward. Catching us off guard. On our way somewhere important. We don’t know these people. Nor their situation. We’re conflicted by a sense of compassion and skepticism. Whatever we give could help. Or perpetuate the problem.

Truthfully, it’s hard for high achievers to muster up sympathy for those who can’t help themselves. Given break after break, and still unable to get out of their own way.



Dave Smith

Leadership Coach, Advisor, Dad of four, Novelist.