People who remain sharp even after turning 70 tend to practice these four habits every day

Alxendera Faraz
Published in
4 min readJun 25, 2024
Photo by Grégoire Thibaud on Unsplash

Keeping a sharp mind as we age isn’t a matter of luck, it’s largely about lifestyle. The secret isn’t hidden in a magic pill or an exotic diet, but rather in everyday habits.

People who maintain their mental agility into their 70s and beyond often follow particular daily routines. It’s not complex, but it does require consistency.

In this article, I’ll share with you the 4 daily habits that sharp-minded seniors commonly adopt. These aren’t just random tips, but proven practices that can help keep your brain in peak condition for years to come.

So, ready to unlock the secrets to lasting mental acuity? Let’s dive in

1) Engaging in regular mental workouts

Just like physical exercise keeps our bodies fit, mental workouts can help our brains stay sharp.People who maintain a keen mind into their 70s and beyond aren’t just sitting around letting their minds idle. They’re actively engaged in activities that challenge their cognitive skills.

This can be anything from puzzles and board games to reading and writing. Even learning a new language or how to play a musical instrument can provide a great mental workout. And it’s not about becoming a master or winning every game. It’s about the process of learning, problem-solving, and keeping your brain active.

Scientific studies back this up. They’ve shown that people who regularly engage in mentally stimulating activities are less likely to develop dementia.

So, make it a daily habit to give your brain a good workout. It’s like going to the gym, but for your mind.

2) Maintaining a healthy diet

We are what we eat, as the saying goes. And this is especially true when it comes to brain health.

People who keep their minds sharp as they age often have one thing in common – they’re mindful of what they eat. For instance, take my grandpa. He lived well into his 90s and was sharp as a tack right up until the end. And he was a stickler for eating well.

His diet was full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. He would start his day with a bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh berries, have a salad with grilled chicken for lunch, and enjoy a piece of grilled fish with some steamed veggies for dinner.

He was convinced that his diet played a huge role in keeping his mind sharp and I believe he was right.

Research supports this too. It’s shown that diets high in fruits, vegetables and lean proteins can help keep our brains healthy as we age.

If you want to keep your mind sharp into your 70s and beyond, consider making healthy eating a daily habit. It’s not just good for your body, but for your brain too.

3) Prioritizing quality sleep

Sleep isn’t just about resting your body. It’s also essential for brain health.

People who maintain their cognitive abilities into their 70s and beyond usually prioritize getting a good night’s sleep.

During sleep, our brains go through a process called ‘consolidation,’ where new memories and skills learned during the day are solidified. In fact, a Harvard study showed that people who sleep well after learning a new task are better at remembering it later on.Moreover, while we’re asleep, our brains clear out harmful toxins that can lead to brain aging and cognitive impairment.

So it’s no surprise that regularly getting a full night’s sleep is a common habit among those with sharp minds in their later years.

Are you serious about keeping your brain in top condition? Don’t skimp on sleep. It’s not just a luxury, but a necessity for maintaining mental sharpness.

4) Embracing lifelong learning

Becoming a lifelong learner isn’t just about expanding your knowledge. It’s also a powerful tool for keeping your mind sharp as you age.Many of those who stay mentally agile into their 70s and beyond have a habit of constantly seeking out new information and experiences. They read widely, take up new hobbies, travel, and take classes. By continually challenging themselves to learn new things, they stimulate their minds and keep their cognitive abilities sharp.

This habit of lifelong learning is not just intellectually stimulating, it also provides a sense of purpose and keeps life interesting.

So whether you’re interested in art, science, history, or something else entirely, make it a habit to keep learning. It’s one of the best gifts you can give your mind.

