Perfection is Bondage

There is Beauty in Imperfection

Melanie J.


Photo by NISHIT DEY from Pexels

Imperfection makes us beautifully human, and perfection is a form of bondage. Is it even possible for humans to reach the pinnacle of perfection? And if perfection is even possible, would you be content with the burden of being trapped in an unachievable box?

Aiming for perfection can trigger overthinking, anxiety, and it can create chaos in our world. That constant pressure to live up to some impossible standard can interrupt our natural flow. And whose standards are these? Are they even ours, or are we comparing ourselves to someone else thinking that they have achieved perfection? It is time to let go of these false realities that we have created in our minds. Break out of the box of perfection and free ourselves of that bondage.

Perfection can stifle our very existence as we become a slave to it. The beauty of being human is that we can make mistakes, learn, grow, and enjoy the journey along the way. If we are constantly striving for perfection, we will become overly obsessed and forget about the journey, the very thing that makes us beautifully human. There is beauty in imperfection.

Be unique, there is
beauty in imperfection
perfect is boring.

