Persistence and Power of 100%

Day #16: 100 Happy Days

Purvee Chauhan


Photo by Austris Augusts on Unsplash

Let’s start with a story our school principal once shared:

There were several participants in a race — all of them super enthusiastic about the grand prizes offered to the top three winners. A little after the race began, there was a winner. Some running participants saw him win and so, they stopped running, thinking that they would not win the prize anyway. Then there was the first runner up and a few more drop outs. And, last, the third prize and almost all the participants stopped running except one, who finished the race at the fourth position. Right before the award ceremony it was found that the first runner up had unknowingly crossed his running track a few times and was disqualified. Guess what, the second runner up was then awarded the first runner up and, the participant who finished the race fourth was awarded the second runner up.

The one who finished the race was awarded. Life is similar, finish your race and do so sincerely and diligently. 100%.

This story has stayed with me for over twenty years now for it shows me the power of persistence.

The power of finishing the race I chose to participate in.

The power of commitment to myself.



Purvee Chauhan

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~ The Little Prince