Personal Best: The 5% Difference That Sets You Apart From The Remaining 95%.

Just being honest.

Aldric Chen


Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

As a Personal Growth coach and a workplace mentor, many people approach me on self-actualization and standing out. Through conversations, I know some people mean what they say. A lot more are actually confused.

It is rare to find people who know where they are standing today and where their destination is. It takes self-awareness, and the people no longer journal as much. It is no wonder that self-reflection is big business today.

I have observed a recent trend of emphasizing thinking over execution. YouTube and Social Media have made it easier for us to perform mind-share. It has also expedited the need for more content because people are gobbling it up faster than they can digest.

Gurus and experts have exploded in population with total disregard to a pyramid structure because we are all engaged in a narrative-parroting culture. I can absorb the nuggets of wisdom from experts and puff out second-hand smoke of knowledge that makes me sound darn intelligent in front of others.

And presto, I am an expert!


I am not.

And I know that. Self-awareness allows me to poke the box containing my inner thoughts…



Aldric Chen

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.