Personal Growth

Udit Gupta
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2020

Big changes serve you well in the future

You are not the same person that you were 10 years ago or even 5 years ago. As humans we are growing every single day. Experiences and life events continue to shape our minds in the most fascinating ways. However, there are some experiences that you enjoy and there are other ones that you learn from. Many of us might not agree with it, the experiences that we learn from are better for us than the ones we enjoy. That, however, does not reduce the value of happiness and enjoyment.

In all of our lives, there have been many milestones and achievements. There are some experiences that we would like to forget but are stuck with us forever. Those are the experiences that have made us who we are in today’s world. It is those experiences that have made us more wary of the future. It is those experiences that remind us to not be in similar situations in the future. But all of those experiences have been good for our personal growth. Personal growth is something that happens over many years. You cannot wake up one day and say you have grown, but you can say that you will make an effort to consciously engage in becoming a better person each day.

It is this change over years that makes us better humans. The initial phase after a sad/traumatic/disheartening experience that is always the most difficult. But in these times it is important to remember that better days will come. Life can feel like a rollercoaster from being on the top of the world to being down in the dumps the next day. It is in these moments that we reflect and understand how we can make ourselves better and make a plan to achieve it. It is only with effort and commitment to the plan that better days and experiences will come. These changes will shape your thinking, your interactions and most importantly your happiness. Prioritizing happiness at certain junctures in our life is the most important. During difficult times, small things can give us pleasure — a meal, a person or a song. In these moments, it is important to realize the value of these small things because if we cannot get over the immediate future, we may not be able to dream about decades away. Personal growth is a plan and a goal for the future, but it should not take away your happiness in the short term.

Every single day we face new experiences. The way we respond and reflect on these makes us who we are. Many experiences will teach us the most valuable life lessons that no book, individual or lecture could ever teach us. But, the experience will make sure that you never forget it. As we continue to become better people and set out long term objectives, it is important that we take care of ourselves in the present. With happiness, motivation and commitment will come personal growth.



Udit Gupta

Medical student | Future doctor | Writer for ILLUMINATION | Passionate about writing | I want to make the world a better place.