Nature’s Call Lock-up

Short personal story — Maybe a mix of thriller and humor?

2 min readJul 8, 2020


Photo by Adli Wahid on Unsplash

Chirag is scared as hell to go to the loo, even when her bladder is in the stage of bursting.

That terrible incident has happened before, it may happen again.

She was lucky once, twice, and even thrice but shall not be always.

Her fear escalates as nobody is present at home to rush for her rescue.

She shudders at her thought of dying in suffocation inside her stinking toilet.

Her husband is not gonna return until thirty past seven in the evening. Now the time is only ten. In seven to nine hours, her body may start decomposing if in case...

Rushing to her kitchen, she frantically searches in every cereal, rice, and snack boxes for those precious sticks that can save her life.

Her eyes gleam when they see one.

She breathes a sigh of relief, and hurries to calm down her two-year-old girl who is whining and screaming for a delicious lollipop stick 🍭🍭🍭.

Saving herself from being locked-up in the loo forever by her little angry bird, for denying a lollipop, Chirag finally answers nature’s call.


Don’t provoke the little one’s anger.

Lollipop 🍭 can save your life.

Chirag @ 2020

This is a personal story in response to prompt *You* by admin Kevin Heads of share short stories Facebook group, to share a personal story.

Aww! How terrible it is to get locked-up in the toilet.

During all three times of my lock-up history, luckily either my dad or husband was at home. But they had been at the far end of our house where my screams and huge bangs at doors would reach their ears like whispers.

I would have either switched off the computer for my girl or denied her lollipops🍭. She knew to lock not unlock.

This is one of my crazy parenting tidbits from the scribbles of my parenting journal.

Thanks for reading.




A creative neuro-scientist, fascinated by the world of fiction and ageing neuroscience. Email @