Pet Euthanasia Sucks: Here is how you can survive it.

Wendy Van de Poll
Published in
6 min readMar 7, 2020


mythja from

The day had come that no pet owner wants to face: pet euthanasia. I hated it when it came time to end the life of my soul dog — Marley. She was my bestie.

Marley was terminally sick from a cancer that was eating away her nasal passage and brain. To look at her you would never know she had cancer. She was gorgeous.

But the CT scan revealed a honking tumor that made even the attending veterinarians weep. They were surprised she was alive and they offered us her death sentence of days to four weeks.

I always wondered about those death sentences. How can they predict something like that? Yes the tumor was large! No they couldn’t operate! No they couldn’t do chemo or radiation because that would kill her!

Seriously — nothing?

They gave me up to four weeks to make the gut wrenching, puke inducing decision to end the life of my companion from her earthly suffering. But they didn’t know who they were dealing with.

I’m a warrior when it comes to my dog and fierce when it comes to the health and safety of my companions. Marley and I were soul partners — I had to conjure up my superhuman powers to get beyond those four weeks of hell.

The good news is — four weeks turned into ten…



Wendy Van de Poll

Sparks compassion for animals, nature, the enneagram and magic with the premise to make the world a better place. Total dog-mom-nerd. 12x bestselling author!