
Maximus Brown
Published in
Sep 23, 2022
Photo by Fabrice Nerfin on Unsplash

A hug
An unspoken reassurance
Simple, yet delicate
We’re in this together, we say
All moving towards something
Even if we aren’t sure what
And that’s okay
We fall, get bruised, get hurt
But we’re all blood in the end
So I choose to see the silver linings
I choose to feel with you
Even if you turn your back on me
Because what we are a part of
Is bigger than you or I
We’re just the messenger from the cosmos
Breathing life into its existence
Feeling what it cannot feel
Adventuring where it cannot go
Just so we can bring a piece back
And share in it together, as one
So love when you’re awake
And smile when you face adversity
Because all of humanity is with you
Just pieces of a larger puzzle



