
100 Dyslexics in 150 Words or Less. Pierre Curie

Born 03/15/1859 in Paris. His father taught him math and science. He assisted the Faculty of Sciences at the Sorbonne. He married scientist Maria Skłodowska (Marie Curie).

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With his wife and his brother, he discovered piezoelectric effects in crystals.

They also isolated the elements of radium and a new element they named polonium after Poland.

Their studies on the properties of radium would form the basis of nuclear physics.

Together with Henri Becquerel, they won the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics for their radiation works.

Curie fell beneath the wheels of a horse-drawn vehicle and died on 04/19/1906 from a fatal skull fracture at 46 years old.

As a child, he had learning problems and had difficulty moving quickly from one topic to another. Specialists consider he suffered from dyslexia.



Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez

Industrial Designer & Communication Coach. Dyslexia, History, & Trivia Writer. Father/Pet Lover — Top 1000 Writer, also on #Books, #Movies, #Reading & #Writing