Pika Labs’ Text-to-Video AI Model: A Game-Changer Revolutionizing the AI World

Aero Skyler
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2023

To all my AI-passionate readers out there, I covered a newly-released text-to-video AI model last week, which is called Zeroscope V3. If you haven’t seen the article yet, I strongly recommend you to do so by clicking on this link. Now that you’ve got a basic idea on text-to-video models, I want to introduce you a far more advanced and coherent model, released by Pika Labs.

Image generated by AI

About Pika Labs

Pika Labs has a text-to-video AI model. What is it? Well, a text-to-video AI model is an artificial intelligence system that can take textual descriptions or prompts as input and generate videos as output. The model analyzes the text, understands the context, and then generates an original video clip containing visual elements and movement that aligns with the description provided in the input text. These models use machine learning algorithms trained on large datasets of text and video pairs to learn how to translate text into video content. One of the first text-to-video AI model is Runway ML’s Gen 2 and Zeroscope V3, which I’d talked about in a previous article. What makes Pika Labs stand out is its ability to precisely recreate the original image. It maintains the colors, textures, proportions, and details to an amazing degree while adding naturalistic motion and animation. This is lightyears beyond what was possible just a year ago.
The advanced technology was also shown being used to create short absurdist videos, like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg having a dance off. While anatomical proportions sometimes suffered in these humor videos, it was still impressive how Pika Labs generated recognizable renditions of real people.
In addition to its coherence and accuracy, Pika Labs can also handle videos in high resolution. And it has the ability to take real YouTube videos, process them, and output new AI-generated variations.
However, as remarkable as it is, Pika Labs does still have limitations. When asked to add more complex or exaggerated motions, it sometimes failed or added strange artifacts like disembodied hands. The generated videos are also still quite short, but I’m sure the smart creators at Pika Labs will be able to extend the length of the video generations.

Beta Access
Pika Labs is a text-to-video AI tool that is in beta access. I personally think the reason why it’s not made publicly available is because Pika Labs might not have the server capacity to accommodate a large number of user requests. Trust me, once it’s scaled up, this technology can be transformative. You can get access to it by applying to be part of their beta tester on the Pika Labs website, which you can find here. I was lucky enough to receive an email from Pika Labs to be accepted as a Pika pal and given early access to this mind-bending technology within a week of submitting the application form. In the email, I was given a discord invitation link to join their discord server, where they host their text-to-video model for everyone to test out its capabilities!

How does it compare to Zeroscope V3?
As stated in a previous article, Zeroscope V3 is an open-source text-to-video AI model, just like this one by Pika Labs. However, the videos generated by Pika Labs are far more coherent than Zeroscope V3. The background of the videos by Pika Labs are always consistent, which is a very important element in video generation. On the other hand, the background in Zeroscope V3’s video generation are not as consistent. Pika Labs even has an image-to-video model, which means you can upload an image to be animated.
But Zeroscope V3 is still better than Pika Labs in some ways. For example, the length of the videos generated by Zeroscope V3 is usually around 8 seconds, whereas videos generated by Pika Labs is typically around 3 seconds. Besides, videos generated by Zeroscope V3 comes with AI generated music that is relevant to the video, which took me by surprise.

Pika Labs’ image-to-video feature
Pika Labs has an image-to-video feature. You can upload images of your friends to be animated into something funny and hilarious which you can later send to your friends!
But how good is this feature?
In one example, Pika Labs took an image of a dog and animated it into a video, recreating the grass, fur, and lighting effects with lifelike realism.
In another, it animated a static image of pancakes with maple syrup into a video, dynamically generating the syrup pouring down.

The future
Nonetheless, while imperfect, Pika Labs represents a massive leap forward in AI video generation. It surpasses anything else currently available, even sophisticated systems used internally by companies like Google. This raises exciting possibilities for the future of filmmaking and animation.
Soon, complex scene generation and hyper-realistic CGI may be possible for independent content creators without massive budgets. Developers could turn storyboards or written narratives into fully animated films with ease. Video editors could dynamically generate any missing footage they might need. The potential to democratize and expand creativity is limitless.

My thoughts
I don’t believe AI-generated videos will entirely replace human-made videos anytime soon, but I do think the technology will become an increasingly useful tool that complements and enhances human creativity. This is because human creativity, storytelling ability, and artistic expression will remain vital — AI is a tool to augment human skills rather than replace them outright.
I think resolution, frame rate and length limitations will improve over time. We’ll see AI tools capable of generating high quality, lengthy, smooth videos. Realism and coherence of generated videos will keep getting better through advances in GANs, 3D modeling, simulation, etc. We can expect to see AI-generated video reach near photorealistic levels. Besides, I hope that personalization will improve too. AI tools will better incorporate personalized data to generate videos tailored to specific brands, personalities, aesthetics etc.
I am also poised for AI-human collaboration features that will allow joint control over generation, like AI “filling in the blanks” in an otherwise human-made video.

What about you? Do you agree that AI has the potential to become a powerful creative tool that supplements rather than replaces human creativity. Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments and I will surely reply you! And if you’re just as passionate about AI as I do, give me a follow as I keep you updated in this rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence.

