Pink eye infection ( Conjunctivitis ) in Pakistan!

Fatima Amir
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2023
Photo by Jason Jarrach on Unsplash

The outbreak of pink eye continues to afflict Punjab! Hospitals across the province are reporting a number of patients daily! Lahore amongst all other districts is on the top of the list!

Pink eye is a common and self-limiting condition that affects the lining of the eyelid and eyeball. Prof Dr. Asad Aslam, a senior ophthalmologist and former vice chancellor of King Edward Medical University says that the infection can easily spread through contact with contaminated surfaces, close contact with infected people, and even through conversations.

He advised patients to exercise extreme caution. He recommended that people with pinkeye should wear black glasses, and separate their bedding and utensils immediately. He also added that the infection is treatable at any stage.

A large number of school-going children have been complaining of this infection and the schools have started to take strict action on this.

Medical experts say that pinkeye is spreading rapidly in densely populated cities where people are exposed to environments, such as factories, bazaars, markets, and shopping plazas.

They have also highlighted that eye infection is wreaking havoc in Lahore, accounting for nearly 40 percent of the disease burden, with over 200 patients flooding hospitals daily.

According to the experts, there is always a spike in pink eye infections in Punjab but this time the intensity of the outbreak is much more than the previous reported cases.

The experts say, that if symptoms do not improve within 12 to 24 hours, people should seek a doctor’s appointment to prevent complications!

Pink Eye’s symptoms include redness, a gritty or scratchy sensation in the eye, and itching. It is further noted that many individuals with conjunctivitis experience eye discharge, leading to the formation of crusts on the eyelashes, particularly at night.

While conjunctivitis is generally harmless, urgent medical attention may be required in case of excess mucus or pus production, fevers, body aches, or if symptoms do not improve within 12-24 after starting treatment, as it could be a sign of other mild to severe eye problems such as a corneal ulcer, styes, or blepharitis (eyelid inflammation), among others.

Pinkeye onset can be a result of various eye conditions. One should seek pinkeye treatment if they experience pain in the eyes blurring, or any other symptoms, immediately.

Stay safe!

Written by Fatima Amir



Fatima Amir

A young writer and a proud Pakistani who has a love for writing and wants to showcase her writing in front of the world. Be part of my journey by following me!