Pique Their Interest

3 strategies to help you connect with your audience

Russell Rowe


Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

Imagine you’ve been invited to give a presentation to update some executive leaders on a project you’re working on. The thought of having to present for this group conjures an interesting combination of emotions. You feel everything from fear and anxiety to excitement and pride. Your thoughts are all over the place. You love the idea of getting exposure with the executives but what if you screw it up or they just don’t get it? The pressure is on to crush this presentation. This is your one shot to make a good impression with people that really matter.

You’ve seen your colleagues give boring presentations time after time. The ones where they present complex content that seems to have no real direction. They move without purpose and probably have no idea they’re doing it. They sway, rock, or shift their weight, unconsciously illustrating their anxiety. They turn their backs and read slide after slide of text straight from the screen. It takes every ounce of your focus and energy to resist the temptation to pull out your phone and check your social media, or worse, fall asleep.

You don’t get much from those presentations and certainly can’t remember what you were supposed to have learned. You’ve always felt sorry for those people, and if you’re honest, you’ve probably…



Russell Rowe

I’m passionate about helping people become better communicators.