Plagiarists on Medium, Fyi.

Also, accidental plagiarism and temper tantrums.

Linda Caroll


Image by ElisaRiva from Pixabay

I’m here to talk about a dirty secret that’s only ever whispered about and breathes in the dark corners of Medium. Whispered by editors and defended by the perpetrators. We need to shine a light on it.

There are plagiarists on Medium.

Why? Why do people plagiarize?



To a person with wobbly morals, Medium looks like a gold mine. Grab content from the internet, post it behind the paywall — and cash out.

You need to know this happens.

They’re not writers, those people. Not the way you and I are.

They never stare at the blank screen wondering what to write. Never bleed onto the page, wondering if it’s too raw. They never hit publish and pray someone will read their words and resonate.

No. They just steal and hope to get paid.

What a gig, eh?

A few things that are important to know…

1. Intentional plagiarists are the minority…

Most writers are honest. We know better. We wouldn’t steal someone else’s words. Horrified at the very thought.

