Planning a More Useful Newsletter

Removal of newsletter ads from ILLUMINATION stories and providing ad- free articles



Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Dear Subscribers,

Medium created a new newsletter feature for publications.

We used it for a few months.

Having a built-in newsletter feature sounded useful and exciting.

However, implementation of this feature on ILLUMINATION stories did not prove useful and appealing. We don’t use this feature for ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Based on a survey to a selected group of writers and readers, we found out that a majority of the writers did not find the embedded ad in ILLUMINATION stories useful.

Besides, some readers also mentioned that they only want to receive relevant stories rather than the whole distribution list. The main concern was it looked awful at the end of each story published on ILLUMINATION.

We tried to make the ad look pleasant, but there was not much we could do apart from just adding an avatar. Even adding an avatar was not an easy option as the requirements were fussy. So we gave up.

The purpose of this post is to inform our writers and readers that we decided to remove the embedded newsletter advertisement at the end of the stories on…




Lead Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. Cross-pollinating and supporting 31,000+ writers. Apply via