
and why it never works — A Poem.

Aditi Shahani


Photo by Jeppe Hove Jensen on Unsplash

I have a notorious habit of planning.
Of writing my life into stone to follow.
What’s wrong with planning, you ask?
Well, for one, life doesn’t follow our plans.
And for second, planning calls in a resistance to “what is”.

If not cautious
there can happen a clinging
to the idea of who we should’ve been
instead of breathing with who we
actually are, who we’ve become.

I don’t like planning.
I like living.

I like the fact that I’m changing every moment.
The fact that life unfolds with every step I take.
That it surprises me with criss-crossing
paths that eventually end at exactly where
I, in my deepest truest layers,
had asked for.

I like being surprised.
I like working from my present.
With my presence.

I like how life plays
And I like how exciting it is
to play with it.



Aditi Shahani

I don’t want to give “How To’s”. We all need to find our own “How To’s”. All I want is to tell you how I found mine.