Please Stop Being Apolitical It’s Not Helping

Nurse Tj
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2020


The dark side of being apolitical, and why it should stop

Photo by: Brandi Ibrao on

Apolitical as defined by Merriam-Webster :

  1. having no interest or involvement in political affairs also: having an aversion to politics or political affairs.

2: having no political significance.

I was having this conversation with a friend a few days ago, and I was baffled when he told me he is “apolitical by choice”. I respected his decision, but being the nosy cat that I am I asked him why? Well to summarize his sentiments, he simply just stopped caring anymore, and having a political stance for him won’t make a difference to quote: “ Nothing will change, it will always be like this, so why bother being angry or caring at all right? I’d rather focus my energy somewhere else.”

As a person who values political stance, I wasn’t able to contradict or even comment about it; looking back I felt guilty and irresponsible by not doing so. I should’ve said something… but I didn’t because somewhere deep down my conceited brain who is trying hard to reject his views, somehow knew he was making sense… I understood where he was coming from, and honestly, I can’t blame him for it.

So, this is why I’ am writing this article to anyone who feels their voice won’t matter let me stop you right there…

