Poem: Shadow Work

Damilola Abiola-Tikare
Published in
Jan 3, 2023
Photo by Jc Siller: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-black-bodysuit-posing-with-hands-above-head-against-a-wall-6948567/

I stare at her for the first time,
This little version me,
We are both shedding tears of pain,
I feel guilt for I ignored her,
I shafted her for years,
I never gave her love,
Because I was pressured to leave her behind,
To try and fit in,
To become the mould society created for me,
An image I began to rebel against,
A caricature that I rejected wholeheartedly,
And so I say to the little girl,
“We made it!”
“We have crossed the other bridge.”
“Now unto the next chapter of my lives,”
And then she smiles and holds out her hand,
I take it and smile back,
For I have began to make peace with my past,
I have accepted my Shadow.



Damilola Abiola-Tikare

Hi there.I am Damilola Abiola-Tikare and I am a Content Writer who is also a Digital Marketing Diva. Watch this space for more marketing content.