Poem: The Dance of the Spirit

The music remains indelibly etched deep within my soul

L.A. Justice


Beautiful sunset cloudy sky from aerial view | Jag_cz | Shutterstock.com

A fresh anointing falls from heaven and covers me mind, body, and soul.

I am completely enveloped in a cascading whirlwind of love.

It brings an abundance of joy, peace, kindness, and gentleness.

Out of this powerful whirlwind comes the most peaceful presence I’ve ever known.

It glides past me, spins around me, soars above me, and passes through me.

It intertwines itself within me, intercalating every fiber of my being.

I experience the totality of its righteousness and sacredness.

I hear its soft whispers, as it beckons me nearer.

It knows me by name, and calls me its sweet child.

I feel its warm touch, as it lightly kisses my cheek.

It listens as I speak, but knows the words I’ve left unsaid.

Then it wipes away my tears as it caresses me in its arms.

It heals my yesterdays, that I may have happier tomorrows.

It removes all bitterness from my core, and I taste the sweet sanctity of its blessed holiness.



L.A. Justice

Research & Policy Coordinator | Activist | Theologian | Author | Educator | Previously a Biochemist | Previous Top Writer in Racism and BlackLivesMatter